Vision Plus Optical Ltd. has been serving you since 1992

We are proud to provide the highest quality frames and lenses.

Contact Lenses

Contacts of today are all disposable lasting anywhere from 1 day to 1 month. Almost all prescriptions can be corrected with contacts.


We offer both prescription and non prescription sunglasses.  Just about any prescription can be made into proper sunglasses.  Optical quality lenses with UV protection is the most important part of your sunglasses.


Frames come in a variety of materials and styles depending on what best suits your needs and your sense of style.


Lenses vary depending on the application they are needed for. We offer  single vision lenses, bifocal lenses, progressive lenses and computer/office lenses. 

Request An Appointment

Your Name *

Your Phone Number *

Are you a Previous Patient?*
 Yes No

Which doctor would you prefer to see?*
 Dr. M. Jones-Desnoes Dr. D. Cameron-Swaby

Do you wear contact lenses?*
 Yes No

Date & Time Requested *



VisionPlus accepts insurance from the following providers:
Vision Plus Optical